Plarny Plarn Plarn, how very greeny green green!
One of this blog's "fans" asked me to post answers to these questions:
Was this your idea or did you see it somewhere else? First saw plarn used in the
Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef Project several years ago. A cool current site for bag making is
My Recycled Bags.comI made up my own pattern, using the examples as models. I love the green idea and I think it looks pretty.
Where did the name "plarn" come from?Plastic + yarn = plarn. Did some research on where and when the name originated, and the answer is… who knows?
Does the bag fold up small enough to keep in your purse for grocery shopping? No.
I'm guessing it's stronger than a single regular store bag. Yes.
And the black details... I'm assuming that's from a fancy bag?Its from a black plastic bag from the liquor store.
Good link for making plarn: