Robyn Love (left) is the creator of this rocket/blanket display. I contributed a 12" square. Anna Hrachovec (right) was a guest "maker" in the NYSCI library.

Lion Brand Yarn sponsored Robyn's exhibit.
From their PR:
At the rocket ship a trail of over 300 knit and crocheted squares will be attached to flow from the rocket.
This interactive exhibit will allow visitors to write notes and pin them to the yarn crafted trail of squares with their personal “message to the universe."
After the event, the squares will be recreated into afghans to donate to the Warm Up America! Foundation"

featured in her new book, Knitting Mochimochi.

NY Hall of Science wanted to have a strong presence at Maker Faire, so as the Librarian, I invited makers that connected science and literacy to display their art in the library.
We also had Sarah Nicholls from The Center for Book Arts and Mary Carson, author of Let's Play Science. Shelby Arnold, who works with Pop-Up Master Robert Sabuda, gave a pop-up card workshop.

Here they visit on my table.

My display included the plarn bag, my fungus creations and of course my security gate sweaters (see previous post).
I was asked to wear the NYSCI t-shirt that featured the "scicons" - designed by Cara, our art director and my best friend at the Hall.
Karen, crocheter and NYSCI educator, made these adorable scicons.
Technology and robots were BIG at this event. Sure, I dig technology, why not?
Like this groovy device.
These pretty eggs were drawn on by a machine (eggbot) connected to a computer that had been programmed with a design. This is technology that spreads beauty.
Among the 173 exhibits I strolled by and kept strolling.
Amy Caterina crocheted this car cover from yarn that had a grass like look.
This is another Lion Brand project. Amy and I had a swell visit on Saturday, she is a thoughtful and joyful artist. Check out her website FreeRangeKnitting.
Red Cross Tent with two brand new crocheters who
learned at one of the many booths featuring lessons.